
2024 学生优秀作品展 Outsand Portfolio Exhibition




Emily Yuan:College of Arts and Science at New York University/纽约大学

Ange Lai:ACCD/加州艺术设计中心大学(动画专业)

Charlie Wang:University of Pennsylvania/宾西法兰亚大学(数据媒体设计专业)

Chantelle Ma:Rhode Island School of Design/罗德岛艺术设计学院(先驱艺术专业)

Christina Liu:Brandies University/布兰德大学 ( 心理学专业)

Emmy Yang:Cornell University/康奈尔大学 (电脑科学与艺术)

Evelyn Chow:Rhode Island School of Design/罗德岛艺术设计学院(插画专业)

Joy Chang:UW/华盛顿州立大学(信息专业)

Julia:Barnard College of Columbia College/哥伦比亚大学巴纳德女子学院

Olivia Qi:UCLA/加州大学洛杉矶分校 (艺术表演)

Reese Wang:UC Berkeley /加州伯克利大学

Tina Zou:UC Berkeley/加州伯克利大学 (艺术实践)



Emily Yuan

Entering College of Arts and Science at New York University Fall’ 2024

我5岁开始学画,系统学习涂鸦、素描、油画、插画、动漫等等。四年前开始在GW创作,在郭老师和王老师的精心指导下,创作了下面的作品,非常感谢两位老师的指点和教导,让我对艺术有了更深层次的认知。再过两个月就开始我的大学之旅,我会非常想念GW 这个助我实现梦想的地方.

Anqi Lai:

Entering ACCD (Art Center College of Design) Fall’ 2024


Charlie Wang

Entering University of Pennsylvania Digital Media Design Program,Fall’2024

I studied at GW Fine Arts Studios for three years. During art class at school, I realized that I had interesting ideas for paintings but could never draw or paint them the way I imagined. GW helped me develop the fundamentals needed to better render my thoughts on paper. The studio's environment is always relaxed but focused. Mr. Guo and Ms. Wang not only taught me how to use a pencil to draw but also how to use my eyes to capture and understand details of an object.

Chantelle Ma

Entering Rhode Island School of Design (Prospective Painting major) Fall’2024

I joined GW in 8th grade, and funnily enough I remember being so nervous because I thought everyone in the class was too good at art for me to join. But over time, I became comfortable being in the studio and just having the space to focus on my art. Mr. Guo and Mrs. Wang taught important foundational lessons that I used everywhere, both in and outside of class. Whether it was mark making, measuring proportions, or mixing colors, I learned skills that I’ll carry with me forever in my art journey. I’m excited to attend RISD this fall, and I know I couldn’t have gotten here without Mr. Guo and Mrs. Wang. I’m very grateful for the patience and guidance from them throughout the years, especially during the crunch time of the summer before senior year when I was completing my college art portfolio.

Christina Liu

Entering Brandeis University Fall’2024

My name is Christina Liu, and I will be studying psychology at Brandeis University. I joined the G&W art studio in 10th grade, and since then, I have grown as both an artist and a person. The lessons and experiences at the studio have shaped me and I am deeply grateful for the guidance and support I received from 郭老师和王老师. I look forward to continuing to create and explore art during my time in college!

Emmy Yang

Entering Cornell University, College of Art and Science Fall’2024

每次去郭老師和王老師 的畫畫室都是很期待的。感覺畫畫的時候很舒緩心情,有些時候畫一整天都感覺像是才畫了幾分鐘。 聽著老師的指導,感覺每畫一張畫 就能夠自己看到越來越多需要改進的地方。從以前不知道從哪裡開始 到能夠自己腦子裡有一個 to-do list,這種感覺在畫畫的時候是很愉悅的。 郭老師和王老師和其他的老師不一樣的地方在於 他們不只是教怎麼畫或者教畫法而是會讓我自己去體悟去想為什麼有些地方需要改,讓我自己去感悟怎麼把畫畫到位。 我在畫畫室的時候都很開心的,能看見自己面前的畫從白色的畫布成為自己新的彩色世界,是非常有成就感的。 所以整體而言我感覺畫畫是一個需要反省內思的一樣功夫,需要感關自己的心態和畫面的關係,能夠在GW Fine Arts Studio 找到自己的平衡點就是畫畫的樂趣所在。

Evelyn Chow

Entering Rhode Island School Of Design Fall’2024

I started at GW Fine Art Studio in the spring of Sophomore year, and was mesmerized by all the students’ work I saw around me. Through guidance from Teachers Guo and Wang, I was able to sharpen my technical skills through observation. They guided me in using graphite and oil paint, but most importantly, they allowed me to properly develop my ideas to express myself in my pieces. They introduced me to different styles of thinking to create the best version of my visions. Without them, it would’ve been impossible for me to get to where I am now, and I sincerely appreciate their efforts. 謝謝郭老師和王老師的指導!

Joy Chang

Entering UW, Fall’2024

GW Fine Arts studio has helped me improve not only my art skills, but also my knowledge of art. Teacher Guo and Wang are patient and understanding, and are great mentors for not only art but also for college and other related subjects. I really enjoyed my time at the studio.


Entering Barnard College of Columbia College, Fall’2024

Art was my favorite class at school. GW Fine Art Studio was amazing in helping me prepare my portfolio in 6 months time and although I will not be studying art, it has helped me grow as a person, storyteller, and artist. I will be pursuing something in STEM (for example CS) and minor in something artistic in college. Special thanks to Teacher Guo and Teacher Wang for their close support!

Olivia Qi

Entering UCLA, Fall’2024

I joined the studio as an 8th grader interested in art, and Mr. Guo and Mrs. Wang developed my interest into a passion. Under their guidance, I learned to pay attention to details through sketching, develop my aesthetic taste through painting still lives, and express myself creatively. The studio's environment fostered creativity while teaching me perseverance and hard work. The experiences and skills I’ve gained at GW Fine Arts will stay with me, serving as a constant reminder of the power of art and the valuable support of Mr. Guo and Mrs. Wang.
五年前,我作为一个对艺术感兴趣的八年级学生加入了GW Fine Arts。郭老师和王老师把我的兴趣发展成了热情。在两位老师的指导下,我学会了通过素描注重细节,通过画静物培养审美感,通过创意油画表达自己。画室的环境培养了我的创造力,同时教会我坚持和努力工作。我在GW Fine Arts 学到的经验、技能以及郭老师和王老师的宝贵支持会一直伴随着我,并不断提醒我艺术的力量和世界的美好。

Reese Wang

Entering UC Berkeley, Fall’2024

我明年会就读的大学是加州伯克利大学,准备学的专业是传媒。 我在郭老师和王老师的工作室已经画了五年了。从一开始的素描基础到后来的油画创作,郭老师和王老师一直在非常耐心的教我。 在这边做的作品集也为我的大学申请增加了很大到闪光点。

Tina Zou

Entering UC Berkeley, Fall’ 2024

I first came to GW Fine Art Studio in 7th grade, hoping to take this hobby more seriously. Back then, I had no true understanding of proportions, structures, and values. However, 郭老师 and 王老师 were so patient in guiding me through the very basics of sketching. Coming back to studio after quarantine was especially life changing; I had truly fallen in love with oil paint while creating my portfolio, and this could not have been possible without my teachers’ guidance. During my time here, I gained not only art skills, but also a new understanding of myself. I could not be more thankful for everything 郭老师 and 王老师 have taught me in both art and countless other aspects of life. I will forever cherish my time at GW Fine Art Studio!



电话: (425) 466-3209

Email: info@gwart.net

地址: 989 112th Ave NE #106, Bellevue, WA 98004, USA