Anna Wang:
Rhode Island School of Design
Fall 2021
Claire Yang:
Entering Computer Science and Visual Arts major
Brown University
Fall 2021
Bradeley Tian:
(art as extra credit)
University of California Berkeley
Fall 2021
Jessica Q Ruan:
Illustration major
Rhode Island School of Design
Fall 2021
Julie Gillis:
Communication Design major
Pratt Institute
Fall 2021( art as extra point)
Melanin Zhang:
(art as extra credit)
New York University
Fall 2021
Olivia Fu:
Entertainment Design Animation Major
Art Center College of Design
Fall 2021
Phyllis Chee:
Media Studies/Theatre
Pomona College
Fall 2021( art as extra point)
Qi Yu Sheng:
Communication Design
Pratt Institute
Fall 2021
Sherry Zhang:
Health and Human Science and Art major
Brown University
Fall 2021
Taylor Wang:
(Art as extra credit)
Columbia University in the city of New York
Fall 2021
WeiWen Juan:
Architecture program
Carnegie Mellon University
Fall 2021
Xueer Huang:
Communication Design
Pratt Institute
Transfer 2021 spring
Alice Mao: Yale University 耶鲁大学

First off, thank you so much for teaching me for all these years, and pushing me to be the best artist I can be. It was just what I needed, and I appreciate how you guys taught me a new way to see.
Wang laoshi was actually the first person who suggested that I should even apply for Yale, and I’m so, so grateful. Without her confidence in me, as well as my parents’ support, I probably wouldn’t have even shot my shot. Guo laoshi was also amazingly supportive, always being sure to point out both the good qualities and the flaws in my paintings.
GW was one of my favorite places to be throughout high school. And that’s saying a lot, since I was here pretty much half of the week, painting, sketching, and talking to my friends. What I loved about the class was the sense of community, the sense of camaraderie. We were all in it together, working on our portfolio, writing our essays, figuring out artist statements.
I’ll never forget our Monday tradition of ordering food when the sun set and we got hungry on our 5-hour class, of passing around the same pack of chik-fil-a waffle fries. It’s the sense of community that I missed the most, and look forward to finding at college.
Thank you both so much for an amazing 4 years of instruction!
By Alice Mao

Bradley Tian: Entering University of California Berkeley 伯克利大学

Throughout these past three years of studying at GW Fine Art Studio, what I have learned from 郭老师 and 王老师is a recognition of how I can engage with art in my personal, unique way, and how I can discover my truest passions through each canvas on which my ideas can flourish. I joined the studio in my Freshman year, motivated by no clear objectives other than a hobby in drawing. Under the guidance of two caring and knowledgeable mentors, I combined my natural interest with a technical foundation, eventually developing a resonance with oil painting that my Freshman self would have never fathomed. But my experience at the studio extends far beyond the development of my skills as an artist. I am extremely grateful to 郭老师 and 王老师 for also providing me with career advice and impactful life lessons. Their continued support and patronage for my endeavors have taught me to be inquisitive, confident, humble, and so much more. As I approach the next chapter of my academic journey, I hereby give my best wishes and gratitude to 郭老师, 王老师, and my peers at the studio for their immense support throughout the past three years. May all be well with GW Fine Art Studio!

Claire Yang: Entering Brown University 勃朗大学

I came to GW as a sophomore in high school who loved to do art but lacked any real training or mentorship. Through the three years since then, I have developed a strong foundation through the projects I’ve worked on and the wisdom that my teachers have offered me. GW has provided me a space to practice art consistently in a supportive and open-minded space. I am grateful the time I have had here, and I am excited to bring my love for art and all that I have learned to college where I plan to continue taking classes and exploring new ideas.

Jessica Q.Ruan: Entering Rhode Island School of Design 罗德岛设计学院

Over the last 4 years, I have grown so much as a person and as an artist. Mrs. Wang and Mr. Guo have given me so much guidance over the years in terms of art and creating my portfolio. It’s thanks to them that I have been able to develop this far as an artist and complete my portfolio. Because of this, I was able to enter my dream college and open more opportunities for myself in the future. The studio has always been a great workspace and has always allowed me to on my work and be inspired by others. Thank you so much for the help and experience! 在过去 4 年里,我在艺术和个人成长方面都有了长足进步.而这些进步,离不开王老师和郭老师的信心、鼓励和悉心指导.感谢两位老师在艺术和创作方面给予指导,帮助我顺利完成我的作品集并考取自己梦寐以求的大学。这些年在G&W艺术工作室的学习为我以后的艺术道路奠定了坚实的基础,两位老师的教诲将让我终生受益。

Julia Gillis: Entering Pratt Institute 纽约普瑞特艺术学院

Melanin Zhang: Entering NYU 纽约大学

Olivia Fu: Entering Art Center College of Design 加州设计艺术中心学院

Phyllis Chee: Entering Pomona College 波莫纳学院

When I first started my journey at GW back in Sophomore year of high school, I lacked confidence and felt intimidated seeing my peers already producing highly skilled and creative art pieces. However, Professor Guo and Professor Wang always believed in me and supported me with their careful teachings. When there were obstacles, they would wholeheartedly help and keep pushing me forward. From drawing techniques, composition, form, theme solidification, to many other elements, I’ve been able to sharpen my skills and improve rapidly. I’ve discovered the many fascinations both pencil sketching and oil painting bring, and I’ve practiced exploring the world through my art. In less than three years, because of Professor Guo and Professor Wang’s many efforts, I have progressed from sketching simple 3D shapes to producing a complete art portfolio. I will cherish my times at GW and put all learnt knowledge to use in my future. Finally, I just want to wish GW the absolute best! Whether it’s teaching during a pandemic, or all the care and friendly chitchats partaken in class, I will always be thankful for Professor Guo, Professor Wang, and all they have done for me. 十年级第二学期刚开始来到画室,看到同学们都能画出那么好的作品,我自己其实非常不自信,心里也挺着急的,但是郭老师和王老师一直都会鼓励和细心地教导我。遇到困难的时候,老师们也费了心思地帮助我,使我快速成长。从绘画方法、构图、造型能力、主题思想等等要素, 我都进步并成熟了许多。我也逐渐发现素描和油画的不同魅力,并且在画和色彩中学习如何感知世界。在三年不到的时间里,我从入门素描进展到能出手一份完整的作品集也是多亏了两位老师的辛苦培养。在画室的时光会成为我一份宝贵的记忆,老师们教的各种绘画方法和知识我也会牢记在心,在大学和未来的职业里受用。最后就是愿画室越办越棒!感谢王老师和郭老师,疫情期间帮我们上课也好,时而亲切的关怀与聊天也好,我都不会忘却~

Qi Yu Shen: Entering Prett Institute 纽约普瑞特艺术学院

Sherry Zhang: Entering Brown University 勃朗大学

As an aspiring storyboard artist and animator, I originally came to GW to strengthen my fundamentals for my college art portfolio. Not only did Mrs. Wang and Mr. Guo help me with that, but they also inspired and motivated me to pursue my passion, gave me invaluable advice as experienced industry artists, and helped me stay on track while I was preparing my portfolio. It has also been so much fun getting to know them and the other students in class, even virtually! I learned how to oil paint and did a lot of statue studies with pencil, things I would’ve never had the motivation or resources to do on my own. (If you’re someone who struggles with motivating yourself to practice fundamentals, this class is a great way to keep yourself accountable!) A lot of the things I practiced in class translated to the digital art and animation I was doing, especially in strengthening my understanding of light, shadow, and color. I’m really satisfied with how much my art skill has progressed since starting in freshman year, and I truly cannot thank Mrs. Wang and Mr. Guo enough for all the support they’ve shown me and my sister!

Taylor Wang: Entering Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学(纽约)

When I first joined GW as an uncertain 9th grader, my progress was slow and my results subpar. I had ideas, but I couldn’t figure out how to execute them on paper. In the years since, GW has provided me with the vital resources and mentorship I needed to grow as an artist. Whenever I fell into a slump or felt like the painting was not coming along how I wanted, Guo laoshi would give me the critical feedback necessary to finishing the work. If I found myself losing confidence in my art, Wang laoshi would always push me to continue refining my skills. I am so tremendously grateful for their support -- they not only helped me improve my portfolio, but also strengthened my resolve to pursue an artistic path in the long run. Across all the activities and clubs I could not do this year because of COVID, no longer going to the studio directly after school is the one I miss the most. I will miss seeing everyone's faces, and I will miss feeling inspired by other students' artworks lining the walls. But although this ending is bittersweet, I look forward to finding a new art community at Columbia in the fall (it will be hard to surpass the one here though). Thank you so so much again to Guo and Wang laoshi!

Wei Wen Jiang: Entering Carnegie Mellon University 卡内基梅隆大学

I started to learn sketching in GW Fine Arts studio when I was in 10th grade. 郭老师 and 王老师helped me tremendously in the learning process as they walked me through the every details that was needed to make a artwork complete. Not only was I able to learn how to sketch and oil paint in the past three years, I was able to learn more about art history as well. Both teachers also guided me through the portfolio preparation process, which eased a lot of stress during college applications. I would like to thank both 郭老师 and 王老师 for all the support I received in the past three years. Thank you so much!

Xueer Huang: Entering Pratt Institute 纽约普瑞特艺术学院