
2022 年学生汇报画展 Outsand Portfolio Exhibition





Catherine: Cornell 康奈尔大学(建筑系)。

Yiqing Liu: RISD 罗德岛设计学院。

Xin Cen: RISD 罗德岛设计学院。

Jerry: RISD 罗德岛设计学院。

Isabella: Wharton 宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院。

Jianing Yang SAIC 芝加哥艺术学院

Cindy: SAIC 芝加哥艺术学院。

Kate Sun: SAIC 芝加哥艺术学院。

Lillian: Parsons 帕森斯设计学院。

Angelina: Pratt 普瑞特艺术学院

Claire Cheng: Berkeley 加卅大学伯克利分校。

Angela Wen: NYU纽约大学。

Xiona: Parsons 帕森斯设计学院。

Victoria: UCLA 加卅大学洛杉矶分校。



Catherine Zhu

Entering Cornell University, Architecture Program, Fall’ 2022

I was one of the first students to be taught entirely online at GW studios due to the pandemic and my living in Oregon. Today, I can confidently say that if it weren’t for GW studios, I wouldn’t have had the invaluable guidance on how to create an architecture portfolio and the knowledge to make the beautiful artwork that got me into my dream school. There are no words for how grateful I am for 王老师 and her meticulously thorough teaching style, from how to capture proportions in graphite to managing paint colors to ideation for my own creative pieces.

Isabella Wang

Entering The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (Art as extra credit), Fall’2022

I had always enjoyed art, having taken classes since elementary school. However, it was only at GW Art Studio that I began to grasp true art techniques. From sketching to oil painting, Guo Laoshi and Wang Laoshi were ever patient in guiding me from the foundation up. Not only was I able to develop my passion for art, but I was also able to see how my hard work directly translated into progress. I certainly would not have been able to complete my portfolio without the help of Guo Laoshi and Wang Laoshi. Thank you so much GW Art Studio!

Xin Chen

Taken by RISD, SVA, Pratt, Rongling

2017年我来到GW Fine Art Studio 学习美术,在郭老师、王老师的精心指导下,我从简单的几何石膏模型画起,到后来的人像雕塑写生;从油画色彩临摹到静物组合、户外风景油画写生。今年升学季,我收到了RISD、SVA、Pratt、Ringling等艺术院校的录取通知书。最终我虽然没有选择上艺术院校,但我会把美术作为未来人生的业余爱好。感谢郭老师王老师辛勤培养,让我在学习成长阶段,受到了艺术熏陶和扎实的美术基础教育。

Angela Wen

Entering NYU, ( art as extra credit), Fall’ 2022

I came to GW Fine Art Studio in early 2019. From the very start, Guo Laoshi and Wang Laoshi pushed me to develop an eye for precision and value as I worked through still life pieces. As I began to paint original works, they taught me how to effectively translate my ideas into compositions. Wang Laoshi showed me how I could adjust the size, position, and other features of objects to give my artwork distinct meaning. Through her guidance, I have been able to create pieces that are not only visually sound but also communicate a clear message. I am grateful for Wang Laoshi’s and Guo Laoshi’s assistance during my college application process. They helped me select a set of complementary pieces that I was proud to present to the colleges I applied to. The time I have spent at the studio has been invaluable to my growth as an artist. I have built a solid foundation and developed a variety of skills to express my voice. I would like to thank Guo Laoshi and Wang Laoshi for playing an instrumental role in my artistic journey, and look forward to making more and better artwork in the future.

Jianing Yang

Enter School of The Art Institute of Chicago, Fine Art program, Spring’ 2022

Yooo. 我是Hugo. 现就读于SAIC. 在G&W画室学习了两年左右。两位老师所授内容都非常值得消化,无论是基本功的练习还是创意指导都给予我很大帮助。通过一两幅的素描,色彩写生练习,就纠正与启迪了我许多从前没注意到的问题,让我更加投入到刻画中。我也逐渐在创作与练习中既摸索到属于自己的风格,也摸清了自己的弱项。虽然道路且长但这两年对我来说也是受益匪浅。 通过他们的指导我也收获了属于自己的四封offer. 我也会记住在这里所学,所感受到的一切,代入到接下来的学习与创作中。

Yiqing Lui

Taken by RISD , Pratt etc.


When I first joined G&W studio, I didn't have a clear idea of ​​how to draw well, and I also doesn't have the confidence to draw as well. However, under the patient guidance of the two teachers, I gradually learned the basics of various paintings skills such as composition, contrast, brushstrokes, and more. This not only gives me the ability to express the pictures I want, but also makes me more confident to express my thoughts freely. Although each class was long, I feel very happy because I can intuitively feel my progress. It is precisely because of this period of study that I was able to be admitted to colleges that I never thought possible. I am really grateful to Mr. Guo and Mrs. Wang for their teaching and support. I hope that the studio can do better and better!


Entering Parsons School of Design, Fashion Design program. Fall’2022

I have fond memories of learning from Wanglaoshi when i was merely 8 to 10 years old, where she would encourage my creativity and help develop my ideas into tangible artwork. Returning back to Wanglaoshi during the summer before senior year was very nostalgic but also incredibly helpful, as she played a key role in improving my technical skills and planning my last few pieces in order to complete my portfolio. Throughout all of my struggles, Wanglaoshi has remained the same kind, supportive, and wise mentor even with the barrier of zoom calls. When i was at a low point mentally, her ability to see my potential and patient disposition were instrumental to my success.

Just by listening to her feedback for each student, I can tell she shows a genuine interest for everyone beyond their artwork, and ensures the technical foundational skills are perfected (through various still life practices) before moving onto creative pieces. She is meticulous in her feedback and fastidiously pushes everyone to their full potential. I genuinely could not have completed my art portfolio without her attentive feedback, encouragement, and support. Her ability to cherish and see the strength in everyone is something I will forever value and appreciate. Thanks to her, I am now on my way to study at my dream school in NYC! I cannot thank her enough for her dedication and patience :)


Entering Parsons School of Design. Fall’2022

Throughout the years of going to GW Fine Art Studio, I have not only grown as an artist, but as a person. Professor Wang and Professor Guo have supported me as teachers and mentors, helping me understand what it means for me to create, and giving me guidance throughout my artistic endeavors. From the rudimentary oil pastel drawings to the 36” by 22” oil paintings, it has been quite the journey. Looking back, I feel accomplished and proud of the work I have done here, only made possible by Professor Guo and Professor Wang. I am eternally grateful for all they have provided me with, which I will be taking with me through the next steps in my creative journey at Parsons School of Design as an undeclared undergraduate.

我这几年在GW 绘画工作室学习的过程中体验了许多挑战和成就。在王老师和郭老师的支持和指导下、我终于理解到创作对我含着的意义。 不论是基本的素描或者是精细的油画、我都能回想到我当时在GW感受到的热情。感谢郭老师和王老师不停的支持和真诚的指点、只有有你们能让我为我的作品感到自豪。我会把你们赋予我所有的经验和知识带到我在Parsons School of Design的新生活。

Claire Cheng

Entering Berkeley University, Architect Design program. Fall’2022

My journey at G&W studio launched my passion and interest in all art forms. When I entered this studio 6 years ago, Teacher Guo and Teacher Wang gave me so much encouragement and guidance to grow as an artist and an individual. With their help, I learned and grew not only my painting skills, but also a deeper appreciation for the arts. Every time I joined the class, the studio was full of creative juice and I could always turn to other students for motivation and inspiration. I will be forever grateful to the teachers and the studio for launching my art journey and giving me a hard-working community to connect to.

我的成长离不开在G&W美术室的六年学习。王老师和郭老师从基础素描开始教我绘画技巧和绘画知识,让我参加写生,进步到油画临摹和创作。他们不仅教技术, 还帮我构思,展示我的内心想法,鼓励我尽我所能表达我想要的主题。是两位老师让我有信心去努力实现我的梦想。感谢郭老师和王老师。

Kate Sun

Entering School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Fall’ 2022

kate 有幸在四年的高中时光遇到了GW工作室的两位老师、从基础开始一步一步的积累和收获、每个阶段都会有不同的感悟、两位老师的不断的鼓励也是我最后成功拿到大学录取通知书的重要因素之一、感谢两位老师的谆谆教诲。


Entering UCLA ( Art As extra credit)

I first started studying at GW Fine Art Studio in middle school, where I began constructing a technical foundation that was useful when I became more serious during high school. I am incredibly grateful to have received the guidance and expertise of two established and knowledgeable teachers. 王老师and 郭老师 truly helped cultivate my artistic growth over the years, in which I will carry onward the valuable lessons and skills I’ve learned. My time at GW inspires me to continue challenging my artistic boundaries and actualize my creative imaginings. 王老师was especially helpful in my college app process, guiding me in oil painting (a realm I had less experience in) and idea-manufacturing. Both teachers also graciously helped me with the photography aspect to add more professionalism. Even amid the pandemic, I felt like I was able to surpass the digital barrier in my lessons. I am now able to converse my unique perspectives and stylistic touches to my art, which I perceive as a palette of diverse chromatics awaiting to animate a vacate canvas. As I consider art a strong passion of mine, I look forward to exercising my creativity in future endeavors, whether it’s in college, the workplace, or moments of life. Best of luck to all artists! :)


Entering School of Art Institute Chicago, Fall’2022

I have been going to GW studios since I was in the 6th grade. For almost 6 years Professor Wang and Professor Guo have taught me the fundamentals of art and helped me build a solid basis as an artist. Without GW studios I would not be a fraction of the artist I am today, I hope to take the skills I have learned with them and grow as an individual and artist in the future.



电话: (425) 466-3209

Email: info@gwart.net

地址: 989 112th Ave NE #106, Bellevue, WA 98004, USA