
2022 年学生汇报画展 Outsand Portfolio Exhibition


整々二年因疫情关闭的画室,终于于2022年4月18日又重新恢复了实体课教学, 原来在网上学习的学员都已转到了实体课。令人深感欣慰的是无论是网上或者是线下,学员们对艺术的热爱与执着,对未来的追求与努力一如既往,从末改变。他们的努力最终收获了一份丰厚的回报。



Sophia Zhang: Stanford University 斯坦福大学(电脑科学与艺术)

Emily Hu: UCLA加州大学洛杉矶分校(艺术史)

Rita Fu: Cornell University 康奈尔大学(环境设计)

Jenny P.: Carnegie Mellon University 卡內基梅隆大学(电脑科学与艺术)

Anne Hu: Emory University Oxford Campus in Atlanta 埃默里大学(商务专业,艺术作为申请参考)

Joyce Zhang: University of Washington 华盛顿大学 (工业设计和哲学)

Sunny Cong: USC 南加州大学(多媒体与游戏设计)

Kimberly Wang: UCLA 加卅大学洛杉矶分校(心理学专业,艺术作为申请参考)

Louisa Lou: School of Visual Art 纽约视觉艺术学院(插画)

Grace Wang: Brown University 布朗大学(应用数学与历史专业,艺术作为申请参考)

Caroline Zhuang: Washington University in St. Louis 圣路易斯华盛顿大学(神经科学专业,艺术作为申请参考)



Sophia Zhang

Entering Stanford University, Computer Science major + Visual Arts minor,Fall’ 2023

I definitely couldn’t have made as strong of an art portfolio without Guo and Wang Laoshi. Both teachers not only helped me improve my art fundamentals and technical skill, but also pushed my ideas and artistic thinking further than I could imagine. Wang Laoshi is extremely skilled, patient, and kind, while Guo Laoshi is an expert at art and sometimes brutally honest in the best way possible! It’s like being taught by the art teacher versions of Master Oogway (Wang Laoshi) and Master Shifu (Guo Laoshi) from Kung Fu Panda. Guo and Wang Laoshi are amazing and I’m so lucky to have had the chance to learn from them.

Emily Hu

Entering UCLA ,Art History major, Fall’2023.

Ive loved art my whole life but I’ve been drawing with GW art studio since sophomore year. The studio has always been a place to relieve stress, and do something I’m passionate about. Guo老师and Wang 老师’s guidance has not only taught me many technical skills, but has also helped me appreciate art, and lead me through my first experiences of being a young artist. I’m excited to take what I’ve learned and the inspiration I’ve gained from them into my artistic career in the future!

Rita Fu

Entering Cornell University, Design and Environmental Analysis major, Fall’ 2023

I began at GW Studio with little experience in the studio setting during my freshman year of highschool. Growing up without a lot of formal training, I drew, painted, and explored other easily-accessible mediums mostly on my own. 王老师 helped me hone in on the fundamentals I could not have developed with such solid understanding and familiarity had I not joined GW Studio. Though I am not pursuing a visual arts path, the skills I learned from 王老师, including composition, color theory, brush strokes, shading, and perspective, later played critical roles while making the creative pieces for my portfolio.

Jenny P.

Entering Carnegie Mellon University, Computer Science and Art major, Fall’ 2023.

I am so grateful to Mr. Gou and Ms. Wang for all their years of guidance and support. They were always willing to listen to my ideas and helped me gain confidence in the art field. They helped me learn to appreciate and understand art beyond basic techniques. They not only taught me about lighting, shadows, and proportions in oil paint and pencil, but also encouraged me to explore my artistic identity and creativity. Thank you, GW Art Studio, for empowering me with the skills, tools, and passions to start my artistic journey.

Anne Hu

Entering Emory University, Business major,( Art as extra credit ) Fall’ 2023.

I’m going to Emory University’s Oxford Campus in Atlanta, Georgia. I plan to go into a dual major of Business and CS and keep art as a hobby. GW helped me establish a great foundation in depicting busts and still lifes effectively. Being able to convert the 3-dimensional scenes onto a 2-dimensional plane, I can draw and paint to my hearts content with no major roadblocks. Though I began my portfolio and learned oil paint during the pandemic and online over zoom, Wang lao shi helped me a lot with learning about underpaintings and steps to painting on canvas. And when I returned to in-person, Guo lao shi pushed my graphite skills further.

Joyce Zhang

Entering University of Washington, major in Industrial Design and Philosophy, Fall’ 2023.

每次去郭老師和王老師 的畫畫室都是很期待的。感覺畫畫的時候很舒緩心情,有些時候畫一整天都感覺像是才畫了幾分鐘。 聽著老師的指導,感覺每畫一張畫 就能夠自己看到越來越多需要改進的地方。從以前不知道從哪裡開始 到能夠自己腦子裡有一個 to-do list,這種感覺在畫畫的時候是很愉悅的。 郭老師和王老師和其他的老師不一樣的地方在於 他們不只是教怎麼畫或者教畫法而是會讓我自己去體悟去想為什麼有些地方需要改,讓我自己去感悟怎麼把畫畫到位。 我在畫畫室的時候都很開心的,能看見自己面前的畫從白色的畫布成為自己新的彩色世界,是非常有成就感的。 所以整體而言我感覺畫畫是一個需要反省內思的一樣功夫,需要感關自己的心態和畫面的關係,能夠在GW Fine Arts Studio 找到自己的平衡點就是畫畫的樂趣所在。

Sunny Cong:

Entering USC Interactive Media and Game Art major, Fall’ 2023.

GW Fine Art Studio is like a rocket. Displayed on the outside, the plentiful highly-skilled paintings that adorn the walls are wonders to everyone, presenting great human achievement. But beneath the intricate strokes or the pristine arrow that shoots through the atmosphere are the relentless engines puffing on, students drawing nonstop for hours, and most importantly, Guo and Wang Laoshi's dedication. I recall Guo and Wang Laoshi always teaching me hand-by-hand and always assisting me when I faced hardships. I recall in-depth conversations to figure out how better spread my artwork's message. I recall their assistance even during the holidays when they could be taking breaks. Their amazing guidance propelled me miles and light years closer to the word "enough" through their big hearts and dedication.

Kimberly Wang:

Entering UCLA, Psychology major ( Art as extra credit) , Fall’2023.

I have been learning at GW studio since I was in middle school, and have studied with Teacher Guo and Wang till this day. From them, I have learned everything from fundamental art techniques to creative expressions. They patiently guided me through pencil sketches of a sphere and helped me develop invaluable skills that transfer to many other things I do. I learned composition, planning, lighting, and so much more. Throughout last year they have guided me through the process of making supplemental art portfolio and helped me turn my ideas into unique pieces of art. The last 7 years of my art journey have been filled with so many gained skills and good memories.

Lauisa Lu

Entering School of Visual Art , Illustration major,Fall’ 2023.


Grace Wang

Entering Brown University, Applied Mathematics and History major ( Art as extra credit), Fall’ 2023.

Over the past few years, I’ve grown so much as an artist thanks to the support of Ms. Wang and Mr. Guo. It was amazing seeing how my art has evolved over the years, both technically and conceptually. During my time at GW, not only was I able to learn the technical know-hows of pencil sketching and oil painting, but I also learned how to express my ideas visually and push beyond my comfort zone. I’m so grateful for my time spent at the studio, and I’m excited to continue exploring art in college and beyond!

Caroline Zhuang:

Entering Washington University in St.Louis. Neuroscience major (Art as extra credit)Fall’ 2023

I became a part of GW Studio in late 2021 because I wanted to get more serious about art. Among many other important concepts, Professors Guo and Wang taught me proportions, value and color theory, pushing me to the next level.

They not only taught me invaluable technical skills for sketching and painting, they boosted my confidence and helped me break through mental barriers. Their unwavering support provided me with a nurturing environment to explore and find my own style. Additionally, their class inspired me to incorporate art into more aspects of my life, and to make it more than just a hobby.

I will forever be grateful to Professors Guo and Wang as I go on to study neuroscience at Washington University in St. Louis. Both professors played a huge role in helping me get here, as they assisted me in every step of creating a supplemental art portfolio. Their impact will carry on through my time at WashU, as one of the things I’d like to study is the relationship between art and the brain. I would like to explore innovative ways to integrate art into therapies for illness recovery, which is something that stemmed from their encouragement in studying art.



电话: (425) 466-3209

Email: info@gwart.net

地址: 989 112th Ave NE #106, Bellevue, WA 98004, USA